Thursday 19 March 2015

Robert Delauney

On Friday we did some art this is what our art looked like and this sort of art was inspired by Robert Delaunay


  1. Hi i'm Jordan, a year eight student from Awahono school and that art looks amazing and after seeing that art i'm going to see if our class could look at some of his art. Bye. :)

  2. Hi Shialla
    I really think the art looks good. What was your Favorite on? Did you like doing it? How much color did you use? Would you do this in your free time?

  3. Hi Shialla
    your art is awesome and very colorful I think the black really stands out.

  4. Aloha Shialla
    It was really fun doing artwork with Mrs bailey what did you think of all the artwork
    From your friend Jessie


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