Saturday 16 May 2015

The big blag blakout

Title: The big bad blackout
Author: Megan McDonald
Genre: Humour

This book is about a boy and a girl called Judy and stink and there is a big storm called hurricane Elmer. When the power goes out they think they have nothing to do but then there grandma said we can do lots of things in the dark so they played some games and listened to some music. When the storm has finished it is very sunny and very soggy and wet and then they have a big clean up ahead of them.

I know that this book is humour because it is really funny and I really like it.

Image result for the big bad blackout


  1. Hi Shialla
    I like your post about your book. Did you like the bbok you might have to change the the word BLAG to bad any way well done : - ) BYE BYE

  2. Hi Shialla.
    You really described that book well and a lot of people would like to read it including me. It would be good if you could try put more posts on your blog.


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