Wednesday 17 June 2015

Diary of a wimpy kid rodrick rules

Title:Diary of a wimpy kid Rodrick rules
Author: Jeff Kinney
Genre: Humour

This book is about a boy called Greg and he has the worst summer you could imagine first he has to join the swim team and he does not like swimming and he has to be a swim practise by 7:00 am and it is very cold and so he runs into the toilets and raps his self up in toilet paper to keep warm and another embarrassing thing that happened to him was when he had to stay at is grandpas  and he bought his diary with him and then is big brother got hold of the diary and ran away with it and then he runs into the toilets and when he was ready to come out a lady walk in then he relised that it was the wo,ens toliets and then the security people came and toke him away then his brother text all is friends and told them but then they told there brothers and sisters and then they told there friends and then the message got mixed up then he was saved when he went back to school the next day

I know this book is humour because it was really funny.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a really funny book Shialla. You need to work on your punctuation and spelling though as that was a very long sentence.
    Mum (Suzette)


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